Now the main point and the important question was: "In what field should the company focus in order to achieve the above goals?"
One of the most important factors that have had the greatest impact on the development of any civilization throughout human history and in previous years, has been the level of knowledge and information of the people of that society and paper was the most influential human invention that helped them improve their knowledge.
The more knowledge and awareness the people of a country and a society have, the more these people can achieve their goals for progress and success.
After a little study in the history of production and potentials in our country, we saw numbers and figures that are missing the gap or in other words not considered in this industry in Iran.
Annually, a huge amount of currency, ie a figure of $ 450 million, must be spent on importing paper from foreign countries, and unfortunately, little investment has been made in this field in the country, and we only have a much more limited production capacity than the country needs.
The question was how to enter this industry and what raw materials do we need for production? Considering that the paper industry needs wood more than anything else in the first place, and how can we not harm the beautiful nature of our country by entering this industry. What other alternative materials can we use as raw materials? Of course, we need wood to produce paper, and on the other hand, we do not want to destroy our nature and forests. After a short study in this field, we got acquainted with the technology of producing paper pulp from bagasse or the same sugarcane pulp left from sugar factories.