
More than 80% growth in Iran's exports in April

More than 80% growth in Iran's exports in April

Wednesday، 28 April 2021 | Article Rating

The Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade (Samat) announced an increase of more than 80% in exports in April this year compared to last year and the storage of more than 82 million masks in warehouses.

The Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade (Samat) announced an increase of more than 80% in exports in April this year compared to last year and the storage of more than 82 million masks in warehouses.

Alireza Razm Hosseini stated at the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding for the financing of priority units and projects (complete plan): There is more than three million and 400 thousand billion tomans of liquidity in the country's economy and The Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade is responsible for laying the groundwork and providing the necessary grounds for attracting this liquidity in the production sector. The manufacturing sector must be profitable for investment so that stray capital can be directed to this sector.

He stated that through the government's financing policies, which are its legal duties and responsibilities, such as Note 18 and production boom facilities, 40 thousand and 230 billion tomans were injected into the production sector last year, he said: more than 720 thousand billion tomans in Last year, banking facilities were provided to the production sector, ie from the amount of 1.6 million tomans of facilities provided by the banking network, last year, nearly 720,000 billion tomans were injected into the production sector.

He further reported 8% industrial growth last year and specified: the country's foreign trade last year was 75 billion dollars and the amount of supply of goods (imports and exports) was 146 million tons. Referring to self-sufficiency and the export of Corona-related health items, Razm Hosseini said: "There are more than 82 million masks in stock, we are export-oriented in the field of ventilators, and detergent factories operate in two or three shifts."

He also announced the financing of 27,000 billion Tomans through this project by the top companies (complete plan) and stated: "Our estimate is that a significant amount through this project in the form of money (financial) and credit to the injection production sector." Be. We will also purposefully finance stagnant, semi-closed and vacant units in line with this plan.

The official in charge of creating money through top producers and companies considered it necessary and specified: in this regard, 100 large and capable companies were identified last year, with which they signed memoranda of understanding, and this project will continue this year. In the field of Ministry of Silence programs for industrial development in less privileged areas, through the resistance economy plan with top companies, the top companies will also finance the production area.

  • More than 80% growth in Iran's exports in April
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